
Wahoo fish speed
Wahoo fish speed

These fish are some of the fastest marine animals on the planet, but there are some species that are faster. In 1995, I went from pulling baits at 14 knots to pulling lures at 18 knots, Schatman says. Ron Schatman, winner of a dozen major Bahamas wahoo tournaments over five years. The Wahoo is third with a top speed of 77 km/h, and the fourth fastest fish is the Bluefin Tuna at 70 km/h. Wahoo (also called ono) can swim at least 60 mph, so trolling at 14, 16 and even 20 knots is now commonplace using techniques developed by Capt. The Swordfish is a close second at 100 km/h. The aggressive habits and razor-sharp teeth of the wahoo can be of considerable annoyance when targeting larger gamefish such as tuna or marlin that travel as large as 100 or more. The Sailfish can swim at speeds of up to 130 km/h. Many use heavy fishing lines rigged with artificial lures, such as.

wahoo fish speed

Shimano TLD Two Speed Conventional Trolling Reel. The size 30 50 reels are commonly used when trolling offshore for wahoo, tuna, marlin, and mahi-mahi.

wahoo fish speed

#Wahoo fish speed plus

Considered a good fighter on light to medium tackle, they can be caught fairly close to land. Fishing tips: Anglers catch wahoo with boats trolling at high speeds over deep ocean waters. It can be used to catch 1000 pounds plus sharks, marlin, and bluefin tuna. Wahoo tend to be solitary or occur in loose-knit groups of two or three fish. The mouth is large, and the teeth of the wahoo are razor sharp. Its body is elongated and covered with small, scarcely visible scales the back is an iridescent blue, while the sides are silvery with a pattern of irregular vertical blue bars. You’ll also want to stagger the depths of your lures. Wahoo, which is popularly called hoo in the US, is successfully fished with live bait around deep-water oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico during the winter months. As Wahoo lurk beneath the surface of the water, speed isn’t all that matters.

wahoo fish speed

It is best known to sports fishermen, as its speed and high-quality flesh makes it a prized game fish. Wahoo can be found worldwide wherever the water is warm, and they tend to gather in water temperatures ranging between 72 and 80-plus degrees, and love to hang out on structure. Their flesh is considered highly regarded by gourmets. Wahoo are undoubtedly one of the fastest fish in the ocean, and their initial drag-screaming runs immediately after hookup make them an exhilarating gamefish to target. They are found worldwide and are recreationally fished in many parts of the Caribbean, Hawaii and Bermuda. One of the fastest sprinters in the ocean being clocked at speeds up to 60 mph, its no wonder why 14 knots isnt too fast a trolling speed. Wahoo are considered by some as the fastest swimming fish in the sea as can be attested by the fact that they have been caught by trollers traveling at 15 knots.

Wahoo fish speed